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Press release Passauer Neue Presse: 44 new apartments to be built at Steinkart

Two residential buildings with 14 apartments each and two houses with eight apartments each are to be built on a plot area of 6667 square meters at Am Steinkart. Three stories will be built. Pellet heating systems are planned for the KfW 55 efficiency houses. Mayor Jürgen Fundke was enthusiastic about the visualization when presenting the project. This gives an excellent impression of the future townscape. "One or the other planner can take a leaf out of this book," Fundke expressed.

This residential location has something: In direct proximity to the forest, four new residential structures with a total of 44 residential units are to be built at Am Steinkart. "In the idyllic bath Griesbach we want to realize a fastidious new building project in attractive situation with alpine panorama...", advertise Bayernareal Wohnbau GmbH und Co. KG from Moosinning for the building project. The enterprise specialized in the establishment and the selling of living real estates in Bavaria has. Managing director Andreas Fuchs and Herbert Friedrich presented the plans in the recent meeting of the city council. They earned praise, but there were also concerns.

New footpath into the forest is planned

It is intended to develop an undeveloped area Am Steinkart in terms of urban development, informed Veronika Sedlmeier, who is responsible for urban land use planning at the city of Bad Griesbach. The property is located in the area of the legally valid development plan "Am Steinkart". This provides for a residential development with a maximum of 36 apartments in four buildings. Up to now, a parking space ratio of only 1.3 per unit has been stipulated.

This is now to be changed somewhat - and Herbert Friedrich explained why the plans were changed. The intention was to reach "a broad public" and therefore deviated from the current specifications of the development plan, which stipulates an apartment size of 111 square meters. Now two and three-room apartments with sizes of 60 to 115 square meters would be created. Two parking spaces are planned for each apartment, as well as a total of six additional visitor parking spaces - to be provided by two underground garages and carports outside. A playground will also be created. Furthermore, the new planning would allow a sidewalk to the north in the direction of the forest. Herbert Friedrich emphasized that the overall building mass was in line with the previous development plan. With a change also immediately the parking bay need could be adapted according to the regulation usual now and be fixed on two parking bays, he mentioned as advantage of the rescheduling.

Still the change of the building plan does not stand to the discussion

City Hall manager Markus Kleinmann noted that the change of the development plan is not yet up for debate, much more it is about "setting a signal".

"I'm excited about this facility," Mayor Juergen Fundke opened the city council's discussion. "I can get on board with the project," said Claudia Langbauer (SPD/FWG) at the end of the debate. In between was a whole package of questions and suggestions.

Josef Fischer (WG Karpfham Eintracht) was not exactly euphoric: "These are already very dominant structures. The sight tears one's eyes open." At the same time, he conceded that the existing plan also provided for denser development. Fischer primarily had the traffic situation in mind. The street is already very busy, he said, so you have to make sure everything isn't parked up. "We will get this under control," promised Mayor Fundke.

"Traditional and new complement each other"

Alois Immerfall (faction ÜW) professed to have put aside initial reservations. Traditional and new would complement each other. He wanted to know in what time frame the project would be realized. "When the development plan is legally binding, we will attack it," answered Herbert Friedrich.

Bernhard Gruber (ÜW) said that residents "can get a lump in their throat" in view of the clearly presented visualization. But the development plan allows such a construction method "in this last piece in the old Steinkart" now. Gruber thanked the planners for the plan to designate a new sidewalk. On the subject of the road, he said that the problem was not so much the parking situation as the flow of traffic. The load is already increasing a lot. This must be regulated in terms of traffic with signs, for example with a 30 zone, he said. In this context, Gruber also asked whether the four structures should be built one after the other or at the same time. All four structures would be implemented in one go, Herbert Friedrich replied.

Why not use solar energy?

Werner Münichsdorfner (SPD/FWG) sees it as an advantage that the residential complex is located in the outskirts of the spa town. "Will it be higher than in the previous development plan?" he turned to Herbert Friedrich - and also immediately asked about the installation of PV systems. Friedrich reassured him about the height. Because hipped roofs are now being built instead of gable roofs, the houses are even lower.

PV systems are a "critical issue," Friedrich admitted. Possibly a solar plant would be installed. In further requests to speak, it was expressed that the use of solar energy should be kept in sight.

Monika Anschütz (CSU faction) suggested to possibly design the parking areas with grass pavers in order to minimize the surface sealing. That would have to be considered later in the drainage planning, said business manager Kleinmann.

"At the moment, everything is still suggestions," Jürgen Fundke emphasized. He dismissed Messrs. Fuchs and Friedrich with thanks. "We can take away a positive result," the mayor affirmed. Thus, the City Council will probably soon be concerned with the amendment of the development plan "Am Steinkart".


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